Akashic Record Reading
The loving, healing energy of the Akashic Records is a profound tool for self-exploration and empowerment. It is not a psychic reading but an opportunity for your soul growth. In the Records, you can learn about your relationships, your health, your soul path, and every other conceivable topic regarding you! Because the information in the Akashic Records is held in the energy of love, the answers you receive to questions during an Akashic Reading offer helpfulness and hopefulness as well as profound empowerment through knowing the truth of your situation and the possibilities unfolding in your life.
Book a 60 minutes reading for in person or over the phone
After securing you session here, please give Anne a call or e-mail to schedule your appointment.
[email protected] or 607-379-2986
- Make a list of questions concerning the areas of your life that you are interested in asking about. Seven questions is a good number for one session. Feel free to ask questions and give feedback about the information you receive during the session.
- You may like to take notes about the information you receive during your session. Have pen and paper ready.
- It is a good idea to not use any recreational drugs or alcohol 24 hours prior to the session.
- Allow yourself some quiet time after the session. Make sure to drink plenty of water as well.
- Come to your session with an open heart and mind. The energy of Akasha is loving and gentle.